Forest of the Otaku


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News and Updates!

What's new at The Forest?

So exactly how hard have I been working since you were last here? Probably not as hard as I could have. But check out below so you can see if I've actually updated my stories for you! If all else fails, go to General's Love and you might find that I added a new chapter there first!

September 7- Inspiration has officially kicked the bucket in my head. I have hit the mother of all writer's blocks. I know what I want to write about but it just isn't coming out for me. Therefore dear readers I do apologize. I am working hard finding time to do this and hey I wrote a paragraph or two the other week on Chapter 2. So progress is being made. But a handicapped snail with a two ton shell is going along at a faster rate than my writing is. So bear with me, truly! And for those of you looking for a good story. Head on over to ASMR and check out VO1 and her story As We Were. It kicks total ass and makes  my story look like very moldy feta cheese. =P

May 6~ *peeks out from computer* Umm..hi everyone.. *ducks as everyone throws various blunt objects at her* I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!!! Okay so here's the deal; I have all these wonderful amazing ideas on where I'm going with "Twice." Unforutnately my roommate needs a good kick up the patoot and I have been up to my neck in work. First year of college is very hard people, very hard. Sooooo here's the deal. Over the summer I have no pressing engagments. I will be working and getting my liscence (no I don't have it yet stop laughing) but that's it. I intend to finish chapter 2 at least before this summer is over. I promise. Also once General's Love gets back up and running (Cross your fingers for Venusian) I will have an incentive to write again because people might actually be waiting for chapter 2. So glad that's cleared up and once again terribly sorry. Also, Ara-chan I haven't forgotten about you! I know we've both been busy! I love my editor still I really do I'm just SWAMPED!!! You know how it is. Damn finals week!

November 9~ Okay well still no work on Chapter 2. I know, I know lazy. But I am really busy and really stressed out. Way too stressed out!! College life really sucks...I swear I will work on it when I get the chance! PROMISE! Also, since General's Love has mysteriously disappeared I am going to buckle down and try to submit my stories to A Sailor Moon Romance. This way you can view my stories either here or at that site. This gives me more incentive to write if I have to worry about more people waiting. Also, feedback is a real good way too motivate my lazy ass. So COMMENT ON THE STORY ALREADY!!!! MUAH! ~.^

October 13~ Okay so I haven't exactly done anything since my last update. Leave me alone it's college and I'm busy as hell. But I swear when I get free time and I'm relatively not behind in my school work I WILL WRITE MORE! Chapter 2 is basically planned out in my head but I need to write it down. I just need to find time to write it down! =0)

September 17~~Did you know that I have posted Chapter 1 of "Twice in a Lifetime"? Didja? I know. No, seriously I did! GO READ! IT'S MAMMOTH! Well at least by normal standards. Now don't say I never do anything for you. I'm late for class but I had to make sure I got this out for everyone. So go read. And give me feedback. You think I'm kidding. I'm not. WRITE ME! =0) But first, read chapter one. I personally think it rocks!

September 15~~ IT'S DONE! Chapter one of "Twice in a Lifetime" is done. Well, almost. I am sending it out to my editor today. And since Ara-chan is notouriously quick, I expect to have Chapter one up and ready for the world to view within a week. Most likely in a few days! So keep checking here because your long and patient wait is about to pay off!

August 22~~ Nothing new added yet, just wanted to keep everyone posted.Okay so here's the deal people. Not only did I completely finish chapter One (on paper people on paper!!!), but I started chapter 2. Hooray for Ai! ooh that rhymes. Okay so two more days until college. Color me nervous. Because I am. So I won't bore everyone with the details of my life (plus it would give away my autobiography and who wants that?) just know that I am nervous and i'm not completely prepared. I leave day after tommorrow and set up residence in my dorm. Good news: a computer all to my little old self to do all my writings! YEAH! The bad news: I'm in college so I might actually have to work which results in little time for writing! BOO!!! Okay so anyways, we'll know in a few days just how this is gonna work out. Keep the fingers crossed! DO IT! ~.^

August 17~~ Isn't it amazing how when you have access to a computer you can't think of what to write, but when you don't have access, a million ideas pop into your head? Welcome to my life. Still no regular access, I'm using library computers now, but only 9 more days til I get to college and set up my computer. In the meantime I've been bombarded with idea upon idea for Chapter one. So guess what I did? Go on guess! No, I didn't do *that*! I wrote down almost all of chapter one in a notebook. That's right hand-written. I just had too many good ideas to let it go to waste. I lost a lot of great ideas for "Eternally Yours" like that. So anyways Chapter One is almost finished and I'm still going strong on it. When I get to my computer I will dilligently copy from my trusty notebook and all of you can be extremely happy when I finally update this page with a new story! Hooray. And, in the meantime, I have plans in the works for a third fic. No word yet. Don't want to make everyone all jumpy. It's gonna be good though!!! So anyways, fingers crossed that these ideas keep flowing!

August 5~~ Right, so I've got motivation for "Twice in a Lifetime," but I'm lacking resources and time. Don't expect pretty much anything this month. We've just moved into a new house and we have no computer as of yet. I probably won't get a good grasp on doing the story until I find time to do it in college. That will take a bit. I'm sorry!! I swear. It's just a very hectic time in my life right now. Rest assured I'll keep everyone updated, I swear. So this month there will be some news. And hey, I've got three more days of computer access and my time is gradually starting to free up. If I get a sizable chunk of Chapter 1 down, I will put it up, so cross your fingers and keep checking back. I'm doing my best!!!!! =0)

July 21 ~~ Well, I've been working tirelessly to get this page up and running and now, voila! Here she is! I hope you enjoy browsing around. Still working on "Twice." It was hard enough getting all the chapters of "Eternally" on here and now you want me to do this? Geesh cut me some slack! I've only got a fourth of Chapter one done! Anyways, enjoy! I'll update again ASAP!