
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
Eternally Yours

Distant pasts, distant futures

*..*= thoughts
~..~= flashbacks/memories
<..> designated author random thoughts
Okay here we go! Enjoy the Prologue!
Prolgue-Distant pasts, distant futures
It was hard to be evil. Decidingly more difficult than being good and innocent. Fate
always seemed to conspire against the man. It wasn't as though he relied on fate. It was just
that Lady Fate always had a way of throwing a wrench in his plans. Domitric never really took
into account the fact that destiny just didn't like the evil. And Domitric, with his dark wavy
hair, pale skin, and cold eyes of grey steel was the personification of evil. He was evil
because he was consumed. Consumed by a desire for someone. A certain someone with long blond
hair, sparkling blue eyes and a certain affection for white cats. Every waking thought of his was
speckled with thoughts of this incarnation of beauty. And he had a plan. A plan he knew would
not fail. He combed his hair back out of his eyes and and thought to his minions *Here. Now.*
With a flash of brown light,two forms suddenly appeared in the room. "You called Sire?" said the
deep male voice. The female looked up demurely through her lashes to her master, looking for
attention. "Vega, Rehn. My loyal subjects. It's time. I'm ready to claim my prize," Domitric
declared. Vega pouted a bit at the mention of his long time obsession. Rehn gave a small smirk
of satisfaction at the coming mayhem that was sure to ensue. The doom duo absolutely loved
mayhem. In fact, one might say they needed it to survive. "And this time," Domitric said,
his eyes narrowing, "they're won't be any Beryl to get in my way with her silly little quests for
power. My path is clear." And Domitric smiled.

*I hate this. I hate it!* The woman almost spat on the floor in contempt. She jerked her head
towards an intricate tapestry woven of various threads that stretched and shimmered as if a
moving stream were portrayed. As she swung her head around a flurry of dark green hair stuck
over her brow. She irately pushed it out of the way. "I hate just sitting here when they need me"
she growled. Sighing in frustration she prepared to take another spectator role in the upcoming
problems. Then she had an idea. No, an epiphany. *I couldn't. It'd interefere..* Quickly she
stared at a few threads of the time stream. Calculating and diagramming, she came to a decision.
She tapped the butt of the staff she held on the ground and disappeared in a flurry of light.

Sailor Pluto reappeared in a small surburban district of Tokyo. She looked into the window of
a rather large Western style house. *It's been awhile hasn't it Nephrite?* she thought, grinning,
as an auburn-haired former Dark Kingdom minion and newly reformed bad guy snored slightly on a
couch. *It's time to remember, Nephrite, or should I say Nathan Stanfield?* Pluto sat on the edge
of the building, her legs dangling and began to remember all she knew of the Generals' during the
Moon Kingdom, and the Inner Senshi. As she thought, the sigil of Pluto glowed steadily on her
forehead. Her staff let out a garnet glow and inside Nephrite (Nathan?) began to have a very,
very nasty dream. The last thing he saw before he woke up screaming, were beautiful green eyes
staring at him blankly from a vibrant spirit cut down with his own hand. "Jupiter!" he screamed
out as he woke up sweating. "Huh, what? Where am I?" he said in confusion. Then he breathed
deeply. *Okay Nathan chill. Your name is Nathan Stanfield, you live in Tokyo,* he thought. *You
are not some freaky teleporting weirdo who was in love with some girl from another planet in very
short dresses. You are having a hormone overdrive or something. Too much testoterone. It happens
when you're 19. Calm down.* But the face of the girl would not leave him, nor the one of a
handsome blue-black haired man with a thing for roses. Nathan calmly chided himself inwardly
again and then stood up. He suddenly felt lightheaded. He looked down to his feet and then fainted
dead away as he saw a newspaper lying by his feet (that he didn't remember buying) with a picture
of five teenage girls wearing extremely short skirts emerging from a blown up high school
building with the headline "Sailor Senshi blow up Mugen high school!" As Nathan was unconscious,
he didn't see the small sparkle of light that came from his neighbor's roof seconds later. As she
reappeared on a roof in the Starlight Tower area and prepared for a repeat preformance with the
next General she sighed slightly. SailorPluto had a busy night ahead of her.