
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
Eternally Yours
Chapter 5

Eternal questions

I don't own Sailor Moon and I never will. My
writing is awful so there really is no point in suing me because I get no
money out of this. I get nothing out of this but an emotional sense of power
over others because I can keep them hanging and kill much loved characters
at will (which I won't!!! for now....>=). So please don't try and take this
pathetic sense of worth away from me. I would be depressed and my kitty would
get depressed and then I might have to call the SPCA because I couldn't take
care of her and you wouldn't want that! Pardon me, I had sugar flakes this
morning *bounces off walls* So now without further ado, chapter 5!!!

Eternally Yours
By Ai-chan
Chapter 5 - Eternal questions

"YOU'RE MY WHAT!?!?!?!" screamed Minako as Makoto choked on her toast. Rei
administered the Heimlich, her eyes as big as plates. Mamoru and the other
3 Generals smiled haughtily, for they knew the secret beforehand. Usagi
absently spooned oatmeal into her hair, chewed on air, swallowed and
then repeated, all the time staring at Jared. Ami just gulped. Luna's
mouth was opening and closing in complete awe and Artemis had fallen
face-first into the cream. Minako looked close to tears. "No no, you
can't be," she babbled, "you just can't. I'm an only child. Mom and Dad
would have told me about a brother. And you're not my brother. You're
Jadeite. So you can't be my brother," she finished pointlessly. Jadeite
sighed and looked at his hands. "Perhaps I better explain," he said. "YA
THINK?!?!?!?" shouted both Ami and Luna angrily. Jared gulped. Makoto
stopped choking and Rei sat down absent-mindedly. Artemis shook the
cream out of his face and began to clean himself off, shooting dark looks
at Jared the whole time. Usagi began to wipe the large pile of oatmeal out
of her hair, but her eyes were still huge. Jared looked at each person
in turn before his eyes finally rested on Minako. She was very white but
was starting to gain back her composure. Jade took a deep breath and then
began his tale.

"In the Silver Millennium, we four were Mamoru's guardians, much like you
Senshi are Usagi's. We helped to train him and make him a good ruler.
Kunzite was first General, your equivalent Mina-chan. He was the
General of the storm. He controlled mist, thunder, lightening, rain, and
wind. They were very effective. Along with this he was the fighting
General. He and I were energy specialists, while Zoi and Neph were
psychic specialists. Neph was second in command, not because of his
power, but because of his tenacity and sheer control. He outranked me
in that, but I was jealous a lot and would make training sessions a
living hell for him." Nathan smiled at Jade and gave him a wink as if
to say 'forget it.' "Nephrite was the General of the stars and our
future general. He could use their energy to help him see the future
and fight but he didn't control them. He used to tell us that they
were his coworkers. We thought Neph was off his rocker." Jade grinned
at Nate. "I was the third General," he continued, "the General of Fire.
I had strong light and fire based attacks. Of the four of us, my powers
were the strongest. But I hadn't the tactics of Zoi, or the intuition
of Neph, or the fighting skills of Kunzite. All I had was sheer power.
I was our energy general. Zoi was the last general, the General of the
land. He controlled the plants and the ground. He was also our tactician.
He knew more plans than anyone I had ever met, excepting Mercury-chan
over there." Ami blushed and looked down in spite of herself. "Kunzite
and Nephrite were both minor Lords on Earth. Each had already been
destined at birth to become one of Endymion's royal guards. Zoi was
from Earth as well, but he was just a guy, no special title. His powers
surfaced in an unfortunate goat accident, which involved a floating farm
animal that didn't get down until two days later. He was brought
before the Terran King, who made him the third General." Jadeite coughed
and took a drink of water that Usagi had helpfully pushed toward him. He
smiled thankfully and continued with his tale. "I was the first-born of
the King and Queen of Venus. My mother, and yours Minako-chan, was the
princess of Venus. Our father was the King of the Sun. They were married
after they met at a ball thrown by your mother Usagi-chan. You were born
two years later, Minako, with the sigil of Venus shining on your brow,
much to the delight of everyone. You were the first Senshi for the
Princess, who had yet to be conceived. It would be another 2 years
before Serenity was born. Since you were Senshi Venus, it was decided,
with the blood of our planet running through you, that you would be the
heir to the Venusian throne. Our parents, not wanting to shut me out,
made me heir to the Solar throne. Both of us were descendants of the
Goddess Venus and the God Helios so our powers were based on both. As
the golden Senshi", "AHA!" said Minako loudly and then went quiet to
let Jade finish, " you controlled love, beauty, and light. I controlled
solar fire and light. So our powers intertwined. Unfortunately, the Sun
was having problems, much like what was to happen to the Earth. A
deranged man, who was angry with our father for being King, had gathered
up a following of dangerous, dark Magic people. Our father went back to
the Sun to try and sort the problem out. We don't know what happened from
there. The Sun's magic,which kept its inhabitants from frying, died out
two days later in a huge explosion of heat and light. Everyone on the
Sun was killed, including our father, and the Sun was further
uninhabitable. It was one of the biggest mysteries of the Silver
Millennium. Our mother, to help us get over the grief of losing our
father, took us to Earth. We went in disguise, of course, because by
that time, the Terran king and Queen had been mysteriously murdered and
people from other planets were no longer welcomed. While I was
wandering around in town, I noticed Endy, walking with his advisors,
surveying the land. As I walked by, the sigil of the fourth general,
the sun, appeared on my forehead. So I was taken to live at the Palace.
Everyone thought I was from the Earth, and I didn't tell them where
I was really from until I was 14. But by then the Earth was trying
to make contact with the other planets again." Jared looked around at
everyone to see if they believed his tale. Ami and Rei were wiping away
tears, Usagi was bawling, and Makoto was looking down at her hands and
blinking rapidly. Minako, on the other hand, was sitting stone-faced,
and blank-eyed. Jared started to get nervous. Had she believed his
tale, he wondered. "That explains a lot, Jared. A whole lot." Minako's
face broke out into a small grin of acceptance. Jadeite mentally sighed.
He smiled in return. "Now you can explain how you ended up on Beryl's
side, and why the Silver Millennium fell." she continued. Jared's smile
disappeared. He looked nervously to the other guys. "Minako, we can't
force these memories on you," explained Kenneth. "You have to remember
on your own. If we were to tell you how the Moon Kingdom fell, your
complete memories would be lost to you forever. We can't force them
back, they have to return on their own." "Oh," said the four girls
together. "Well," said Usagi, sniffling, "enough sad stuff. I wanna go
check out that pool I saw back there. It's bigger than our whole school!"
Everyone smiled at this and at Nathan's nod headed towards the pool.

Sailor Pluto smiled to herself as she watched the group of young men and
women laugh and splash each other. They seemed to be getting along
wonderfully. She hated to have their peace shattered but she knew what
would come next. She sighed, and in a flurry of violet light, disappeared
from the bushes on Nate's lawn.

*Damn it!* Domitric mentally cursed. His plan had backfired, yet again.
Fate was laughing at him once more. *We'll see about that* thought
Domitric. *Vega! Come here* he called telepathically. Vega teleported
before him, bowing. "My liege?" she murmured. "It's time for the second
step of the plan Vega, dear. Go and bring me back the golden-haired
angel." "Yes my liege," said Vega, a slight frown etched on her face.
Domitric smiled hungrily as he dismissed her. *Soon* he crooned, *soon*

Vega was in a bad mood. This was not at all what she wanted. She kicked
a trash can over, causing several alley cats to scatter. "That little
wench," she seethed. She teleported herself to some bushes on the
perimeter of Nate's lawn. She watched the group emerge from the pool
soaking wet and then run inside to dry off. Then she had a brain-flash.
"Oh I am good," she purred as the devious plot fixed in her mind. She
waited until the group had emerged back onto the patio, dry and laughing,
to strike.

"What do you think, Luna?" said Artemis scowling at Usagi as she haplessly
tried to hit Rei and, of course, missed, sending water towards the lawn
chair the two cats were using as a water shelter. Neither were very fond
of water and took the time to privately discuss what they had just heard.
"I believe him" said Luna, her brown eyes looking at the Generals with a
small twinkle. "But Luna, we're talking about BERYL's generals remember?
Have they given us a reason to trust them?" said Artemis, his eyes
narrowing. "I think saving Minako's life is a pretty good example don't
you?" said Luna. Artemis mumbled something Luna didn't catch. Then he
said, "All right Luna. But I still don't trust them." "And why not?" said
Luna haughtily. "Because I remember the fall of the Moon, Luna. Last time
I checked so did you. And I will never forgive them for that." said Artemis
angrily. Luna remained quiet and watched the group, thinking deeply.

"That was so much fun Nathan!!" said Usagi enthusiastically. Nate smiled
at her. "I'm glad you enjoyed it Usagi-chan," he said chuckling. "Oh no,"
said Ami, looking at her watch, "I've got to get home! I've got to study!"
Everyone, except Luna, sweat dropped. "Yeah we really should get-" started
Makoto when Vega stepped out from behind the bush she had been hiding
behind. "Miss me boys?" she cooed. "Witch!" spat out Nate, glaring, "What
are you doing on my property you sad sack of-" Vega clucked. "My my, quite
a dirty tongue you have there General." And then she disappeared. In a
flurry of light, roses, ribbons, and various henshin phrases, the four
Generals, Tuxedo Kamen, and the five Senshi replaced the happy young people.
"Where'd she go?" said Tuxedo Mask. "Yoo-hoo!" called Vega, from inside the
house. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" bellowed Nephrite, and dashed inside with the
rest of the gang on his heels. "All right, split up." said Venus, dashing
towards the living room where Vega had been last. Sailor Moon headed towards
the kitchen with Luna and Artemis right behind her. Everyone else split up
along the first floor. They could hear Vega giggling throughout the house.
This infuriated Nephrite and, for some odd reason she couldn't comprehend,
Jupiter. Suddenly, Vega shouted "Got you blondie!" and there was a high
pitched scream. Everyone dashed towards where they had last heard her voice
and stopped half way through the door.

Vega was hovering near the ceiling of the kitchen, with Sailor Moon in a
headlock, her feet waving wildly in the air. Luna and Artemis were hissing
and spitting at her. Sailor Moon's eyes were terrified as she struggled
against the tight grip around her neck. "Put her down," said Tux, rose
in hand, eyes blazing. "Fraid'not cape boy," said Vega, smiling. "Please
try to have fun without me" she continued, "after all I went through so
much trouble to make you a new friend." She grinned maliciously and vanished,
taking Sailor Moon with her.

"NO!!" screamed the Senshi and Tux dashing towards the spot where she had
just been. Venus was shaking with rage. Suddenly, a high-pitched growl
emitted from the adjoining door. "What the- " started Zoicite when, quite
abruptly something huge and red came tearing through the wall. The Senshi
screamed and jumped back. The huge, metallic red beast shook off the bits
of plaster and grinned with its large silver teeth. It stared at the Senshi
with it's large, blank, white, and round eyes. It was hideous. "MY CAR!?!
WHAT DID SHE DO TO MY CAR?!?!" shrieked Nephrite. Vega had used a bit of
her doom duo magic on Nathan's very chic and very valuable convertible.
The car was now, 9 feet high, with large rubber hands and feet, and a
hard, rippling, liquid-looking cover. It resembled a beast of some sort,
but with many of its car-like qualities still there. The car revved up
its engine and charged towards the Senshi. They all dived out of the way
except for Venus who had her eyes closed and was looking at the floor.
The monster-car smiled maliciously as it hurtled towards her. Mars screamed
and Jupiter threw a Sparkling Wide Pressure at it but it was ineffective
because of the rubber hands and feet. The car was now 20 feet away from
Venus and gaining fast. Suddenly she looked up. Her eyes were golden. She
held out her hand in a stop gesture and the creature was frozen in a beam
of golden sparkles. Venus looked at it with a look that made even the Generals
shrink back in fear. "She took my princess." said Venus in a hard whisper,
"Now she must pay."

Her tiara disappeared and the sigil of Venus shone on her brow. Her fuku
began to warp and twist. Then, from the heart broach at her chest came
a beautiful tinkling sound and a brilliant golden light. When the flurry of
golden sparkles, stars and ribbons disappeared, the Senshi and Generals
gasped and Luna gave a yell of triumph. Venus' fuku had undergone a dramatic
change. It was now most definitively gold. Her sleeves were a pale gold and
circular, like orbs. Her gloves extended past her elbows. Her broach was now
a golden star. Her skirt was a double layer, a shiny burnished-gold on top and
extending an inch below that, a see-through pale gold color. Her bow in the
back was a simple large bow that flowed into two thin ribbons that trailed to
her knees. In the front, the thin ribbon was on the white bodice waist and made
a V down it, towards her skirt with a delicate gold star in the middle. Venus'
sandals were now white stiletto heeled boots that extended to her knees. At
the knee of the boot, in a downward V, was a thin golden ribbon with a delicate
star. Her tiara was now a thin band of gold with another delicate gold star on
it where her stone used to be. She had a thin golden ribbon around her neck,
like a choker, which also had a delicate gold star on it (notice a pattern
here?) Her hair bow was a thin and delicate red and held back her hair which
seemed to gently float around her. Beautiful, snow white wings blossomed from
her back and unfurled in all their feathery glory. Her eyes were still gold
and she still looked pissed.

"Eternal Sailor Venus," whispered Artemis in awe. She turned her golden eyes
to look at him and simply nodded to acknowledge him. She then turned her
attention on the beast/car in front of her, still frozen by the sparkles.
She put down her hand and made a casual flicking motion with it. The car was
blown clear through the kitchen wall, on to the lawn outside. Venus casually
stepped over the rubble and faced the beast, which was getting to its feet
(tires?). She looked at it with casual hatred in her eyes and a little bit
of pity. She then whipped quickly around and put both hands out in front of
her, towards the Senshi, Tux, Generals, and cats, who had gathered on the lawn
behind her. "Light heart shield!" she yelled and a burst of miniscule, golden
hearts burst from her palms towards them. The warm hearts rushed over all of
them and formed an airtight dorm of rapidly moving hearts through which
they could see Venus and the beast clearly, Venus turning to face the
monster. She put her hands up in front of her again, but this time crossed
them and extended her index and pinkie finger on each. She began to glow
and started to rise. She hovered three feet off the ground, with her eyes
closed as a glow of energy gathered between her hands. Then as the light got
unbearably bright, she opened her golden eyes and uncrossed her hand in a
slashing motion outwards, and yelled "Golden Gorgeous Annihilation!" A burst
of golden light exploded from the air which she had chopped and whooshed
straight towards the monster. It never even saw the golden blur. Venus turned
around and looked at the dome containing her friends. She held up her hand
and muttered "cease" and the hearts sparkled out of existence. Nephrite
walked clumsily towards the 7 foot deep crater, in his perfectly pedicured
lawn, at the pile of ashes that was his car. He gave a small sob and his
shoulders slumped. "Sorry" said Venus, a grin on her face. She then turned
to the huge hole in the kitchen and whispered "Undo". The wall pieces each
began to softly glow in gold and reconstructed themselves to form Nathan's
kitchen again. Venus' eyes narrowed as she shimmered back into Minako. "I want
that bitch's head on a platter," she said angrily. Mamoru nodded as he
quickly changed from Tux to himself. The Senshi just looked at Venus in awe.
Her hair whipped around slowly in the wind and her eyes never lost their
angry glare.
Eternal Sailor Venus was not going to let Vega get away from her.

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