
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
Eternally Yours
Chapter 10

Forever and for never...

disclaimers apply. I own nothing. Nothing. Not a single thing. Not even the
characters. I'm just using them to act out my sick little fantasies. Don't sue.
I repeat I have nothing so it wouldn't really be worthwhile. Enjoy. ~Ai~

Eternally Yours
By Ai-chan
Chapter 10- Forever and for never...

Minako moaned and groggily looked around her. She was lying on the floor of what
looked like a cheap Motel 6. Upon further examination she realized it was in fact,
some sort of warehouse. Outside the metal doors, she heard the traces of what
sounded like one hell of an argument. Minako groaned and put her hands over her ears,
willing the muffled screaming to end. Suddenly she sat bolt upright and blinked
her eyes rapidly. She was not alone on the floor.

"YOU DID WHAT!?!?!?!" screamed Vega as she hurled random bolts of dark energy at
Rehn, who was busy taking shelter behind a large metal table. "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU
TO GIVE ME MORE TIME" she ranted as she punctuated each word with a new burst
of throwing knives. Rehn chose to stay mute, thinking it better to brave the
storm. Oh how wrong he was. Peeking his head above the table he ventured to stutter
out "V-Vvv-Veg-g-gg-a?" She swooped down on him and grabbed him by the collar.
"I will not let you screw this up for me!" she said, frighteningly calm. She released
her death grip on him and proceeded to smooth out the wrinkles she had just made.
"No matter, I'll simply convince him that it's me he wants, not that scrawny little
wench." Somehow, Rehn doubted the sureness in his sister's voice.

Minako sat, stock still, not daring to look at the other occupant of the room. When
said occupant did not attack immediately, she took its hesitation to flip out of its
reach and turn, striking a battle position. Usagi, whose hand had been millimeters away
from her friend's shoulder, screamed. Minako, surprised at seeing Usagi and not some
hideous monster, screamed. At the sound of each other's screams, both girls screamed
louder. Upstairs in the control room, Domitric winced. "Usagi?" "Minako?" "You're
alive!" they screamed together and embraced, tearfully. "Are you all right Usagi?
What did they do to you?" Minako asked worriedly, fingering the bruise on her
princess' face. Usagi looked down, tears dropping from her pain-filled eyes.
Minako's face hardened, "I'll kill them!" she said passionately, fully intent on
it. She stood up and reached for her transformation pen, only to find that she
couldn't access it. "It's no use" said Vega, sauntering in, carrying a pile of
garments, "the barrier we've put up is too strong for your puny little magic.
You can't transform in here." "I may not be able to transform, but I can kill
you with my bare hands" Minako pushed Usagi behind her and stood up, her hands
in a defensive position. Vega smirked. "Try me blondie. I may have been forbidden
to lay a hand on you, but that doesn't mean I can't kill her" she growled jerking
her head towards Usagi. Usagi whimpered as Vega's hand began to glow brown. Vega
smirked again. "Well, at least someone has figured out the chain of command.
You've been ordered to wear these," here Vega held up the garments, "and join the
Master for...tea." And here Vega snarled and sashayed out the door. *I will not!*
thought Minako definitively. Then she turned and looked into Usagi's eyes. They were
full of fear and pain. Usagi walked towards one of the dresses and a ghost of
a smile appeared on her lips. "Well...umm...look Minako-chan, these dresses are very
pretty" Usagi held them up and tried to look cheerful. Her eyes were all but dead and
Minako couldn't see Usagi inside of them, just a hollow shell. She gritted her teeth
and walked towards the dresses. Oh she'd meet the master all right. She'd meet him
and then kill him for the pain he had caused to one so innocent. Powers or no powers,
she vowed to avenge her princess.

"Anything?" asked Luna, looking at the four glowing Generals. "He keeps surfacing
for an instant, but before we can get his location, he disappears" said Nephrite,
shaking his head. "Mars?" asked Luna deploringly. She shook her head, "Usagi's
aura is too weak, we can't focus on it." "Keep trying!" said Artemis, who had been
pacing between the two. "I think we need a new plan of attack. Neither of their
auras are strong enough for us to reach it. We need to somehow communicate to them
that we need their help finding them" said Kunzite, massaging his head. "Sounds
like a plan!" yelled Artemis enthusiastically. "Just one problem," continued Kunzite,
"anyone know how to contact them?" Everyone stopped in mid-determined pose and
looked puzzled. "Hey we could...No. Or how about...? No. Oh, we might...Umm no
clue" said Mercury, hanging her head. Zoicite wrapped his arms around her in a
comforting hug. "Don't worry, we'll find them" he said with more conviction than
either he or any of the others felt.

"GRAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR...OWWWWWWWWWWW!!" yelled Mamoru, as he was once again
flung to the ground by the energy backlash. He had been renewing his efforts to
escape for the past hour and had gotten so many energy-punches to the stomach his
head was starting to throb. But he wasn't about to give up. He dragged himself to
his feet and concentrated all he had on getting out. This time, his Tux didn't
shimmer in and out of existence. It shimmered and then held for a full 15 seconds,
long enough for him to produce a rose and throw it at the barrier. It hit the
barrier with a dull clunk and fell to the ground, wilted. Mamoru's shoulders
sagged as he prepared himself for the backlash of energy. In desperation he sent
out a telepathic plea. *Help me! I can't do this alone!* The backlash hit him
triple in his stomach, bruising his poor overworked body even more and rendering
him momentarily senseless. But, in a tiny shrine on a hill, four men tensed with
the detection of a familiar energy source, and its owner's call for help.

"Generals!" bellowed Kunzite and all four men made a circle in the middle of the
room. Each nodded to Kunzite and then they began to glow in their respective colors.
The girls, observing the scene quizzically, shouted out in alarm as the colors
zoomed through the roof, leaving their crumpled bodies behind. Mars shook her head,
disbelieving. "Their souls, where are their souls? I don't sense any life from them!"

Mamoru heaved a sob as he prepared his body for yet another brutal assault. Behind
him he heard a voice, softly chiding *Now, you know that's not the way? Didn't we
teach you any better?* "Kunzite?" asked Mamoru, his eyes wide as he wheeled around.
Behind him stood four misty figures, glowing silver, scarlet-gold, jade-green, and
pale blue were Kunzite, Jadeite, Nephrite and Zoicite. Jadeite's spirit smiled at him
*Tuxedo Kamen is not the man to save the Princess* "Huh?" said Mamoru dopily. *Oh
for the love of...* came the exasperated yell from Zoicite. *C'mon your highness...THINK!*
said Nephrite desperately. Understanding dawned on Mamoru's face, and with new
determination he squared his shoulders,facing off against the rippling barrier. He
summoned his will, strength, and courage on Usagi, and concentrated on Endymion.
Behind him he could feel his General's lending him their power. With his eyes
narrowed and sweat breaking out on his forehead, he sucked in his breath and
concentrated on the slight flickering of his uniform that was slowly, but surely
appearing. With one last push, the barrier exploded, ripping the door from it's hinges
and landing on a surprised food-bearing Rehn, who was knocked out from the aftershock.
From the rubble stepped out Prince Endymion, a stately sword in his hand and a dangerous
glint in his eyes. Behind him his four friends clapped and cheered *Couldn't of done
it better myself* thought Jadeite smugly. *We're on our way, my liege* thought Kunzite,
and the four vanished with a slight whoosh and a tornado of colors. Endymion headed
towards the hum of energy he felt was his Princess; Unknowingly headed towards the
entity that had caused them all such pain. It was time he reckoned with one pissed
off Prince.

The three girls who were bent over the crumpled forms of the Generals, weren't
expecting them to breath. They were hoping for it, but not expecting it. After
they dropped to the ground and Mars announced the departure of their souls, Mercury
did a check on her computer and confirmed the girls' worst fears, no vital signs,
whatsoever. After they had been proven clinically dead, the girls sat down next to
the bodies and bid their confused farewells. And it was like this that the Generals
returned, with one collective gasp of air and startled the living crap out of all
present. "Baka, baka, baka!" yelled Mars as she alternated between hitting and
kissing Jadeite. Mercury just gaped at Zoicite then flung her arms around his
surprised neck and gave him the best kiss he's ever had. Jupiter followed suite
and Hotaru and Neptune poked Kunzite, while Uranus pried the petrified kitties out
of the skin of her legs where they had leaped in total shock. "What the hell just
happened?!" asked Uranus irritably rubbing her legs, which were bleeding with tiny
kitty claw marks. "Perhaps we should have explained" said Kunzite sheepishly. "YES!"
screamed all the girls. "Well, the whole mind link with the prince is something that
requires our souls. We just leave our bodies behind while we contact him and then
return to them when we are done. We just look dead." "Don't you ever do that to us
again!" sobbed Mars. Jupiter and Mercury tearfully agreed. "But on the plus side
we know where they are!!!!" said Jadeite enthusiastically. The girls looked at each
other. Then, all together, in one high-pitched, feminine bawl they screamed "WHADYA
began to collectively punch all four of the guys who held their heads in their hands.
Then, they all grabbed hands and watched as the Generals focused on their Prince's
location, teleporting to his side, with all the Senshi with them.

"Ah, there's my guest of honor, looking beautiful, as usual" said Domitric gazing longingly at
Minako, and only Minako, as she walked into the room. "Who are you?" she demanded,
shielding her cowering princess from the deranged "master". "No, you wouldn't remember
me would you? We were never formally introduced, your father made sure of that." His
face darkened with rage and Minako gave a small shiver of involuntary fear. "I am
Domitric" he continued, looking at her expectantly. Minako glared. "Come, come pretty
princess, you are not a very engaging guest when you are silent" Domitric said, smiling
at his own cleverness. Minako took a deep shuddering breath. "You kidnapped my princess,
wreaked havoc on my city, terrorized me and my friends all so I would join you for tea?"
yelled Minako, her rage getting the better of her fear. "Yes, basically" he said, while
calmly pouring the tea. "Sugar?" "You're- You're insane!" gasped Usagi, peeping
up from behind Minako. Domitric's eyes narrowed. With a casual flick of his wrist he
sent her flying across the room like a rag doll and into the wall with a sickening crunch.
Minako screamed in anger and hatred. "You have outgrown your use, Serenity, and overstepped
your boundaries. I believe it is time for you to say goodbye to this world" Domitric's
hand glowed green. "Goodbye Sailor Moon" he snarled and let loose the deadly javelin of
energy that flew directly towards her heart. Usagi, too petrified and injured to move,
could only stare in horror. In a flash of gold skirts, Minako had flipped in front of
Usagi and prostrated herself in front of the dark energy, prepared to absorb it for her
friend. Domitric, quickly evaporated the spear before it could skewer her. Just barely.
Usagi opened her petrified eyes and blinked. Then she collapsed, sobbing in fear and
pain. "That," said Domitric, his teeth gritted, "was the stupidest thing I have ever
seen Venus. It is obvious you cannot be trusted to take care of yourself with these
foolish notions of bravery. Now, sit down and leave that pathetic bawling wretch or I
shall kill her right now." His hand glowed green as if to enunciate this particular
point. Reluctantly, Minako forced herself over to the table, where she sat glaring at
Domitric, her teeth bared. "That's better," he said, taking deep breaths to calm himself
down. "What do you want from me?" asked Minako plaintively, her voice trembling slightly.
"Ahh princess, perhaps I should tell you the whole story. Our histories are intertwined,
you and I." Domitric resettled himself in his chair. Then, he shot a burst of green
light over Minako's head. Both she and Usagi tensed up in fear. A giant glowing screen
was hovering in the middle of the floor. "It all begins in the Silver Millennium..."
started Domitric, as a picture of a golden castle materialized on the screen. As Minako
watched, a story unfolded...

Minako watched as she saw, for the first time, her home on the Sun. A young man crept
onto the screen, he teleported up to the window and looked in on the sleeping 6-year-old
Venus. It was none other than a 23-year-old Domitric. He gazed rapturously at the
golden-haired child, lust written all over his face. Minako, watching the scene,
recoiled in horror at the lecherous man now seated across from her. On the screen, voices
suddenly yelled out. The young man looked up, startled, but it was too late. He was captured
and brought before the King. Minako heard the voice of her father condemning the young man
for his lecherous crime and imprisoning him. She looked over at Domitric whose face was
twisted in fury at the sight of the Sun King. The scene switched to a light-filled dungeon,
where Domitric sat, surrounded by a throng of evil-looking men and women. They all began
to glow a dingy brown and their hoods fell back to reveal faces. Minako recognized Vega
and Rehn as two of the cloaked group. Suddenly, the bars of the prison burst out and the
glowing group flew out. They flew higher and higher above the castle. Domitric
cast a green shield around the floating group as Minako watched people stream out
of the castle and scream with fear. The group glowed brighter, and then in a blinding
explosion of light, they sent the beams straight into the ground, to the center of the Sun
with an ear-splitting noise. For a moment, nothing happened. Some of the faces of the
hovering menaces began to look panicked. Then, without warning, the planet erupted in a
blast of fiery heat. The people on the ground were incinerated instantly. Domitric's
shield began to ebb away and various hooded people were burned instantly, no time to
even scream in agony. Finally, the explosion died down. All that was left were Vega,
Rehn, and Domitric, hovering over a flaming inferno of a once proud kingdom...

"No" whispered Minako, horror-struck, still staring at the screen. "I did it all
for you, my love" said Domitric, a crazed glint in his eye as he edged closer.
Minako eyed him with the utmost loathing. To scared and shocked to think coherently
she could only gape at him. Domitric took this as a sign of approval and edged still
closer, laying his hand upon her bare shoulder and playing with the streaming ribbon
that drifted from it, down to her waist. Minako looked close to vomiting and Usagi
whimpered in denial. "I knew you'd come around," said Domitric as he began to play with
her hair. A blast like a gunshot echoed through the hall as the door was blown off its
hinges in a blast of silver energy. Minako almost fainted in relief as Domitric jumped
away from her. "This looks like one of those 'Very Special episodes' of Jerry Springer"
commented Jadeite drily. "You all right Sis?" Minako nodded and got shakily to her feet.
"This will have to wait until later" Domitric purred to Minako. "Like hell it will!"
yelled Kunzite shooting off a barrage of silver beams. Domitric casually picked up a
bloody Usagi and placed her between him and the beams. Both Usagi and Endymion yelled
in pain. Throwing away Usagi's limp body, Domitric turned and cast a green barrier
around Minako, which pinned her to the ceiling, out of harm's way. Sneering, Domitric
turned. "Let the games begin" he said.

Sailor Pluto watched from her place at the Time Gates as Zoicite was thrown
backwards by a particularly nasty energy bolt, shaped like a boomerang. She sighed
and shook her head at the battle taking place on the screen. She wanted to help,
but knew by showing up now, she would throw the future into such uncertainty that
they would not be able to fulfill their destinies. She gritted her teeth and waited
for the moment when she could leap to help them.

"As much fun as I'm having at this very second" gritted out Jadeite as he
battled back an energy bomb shaped like a hand grenade, "I'd really like to know
how to stop it!" "That's your department Mercury-chan!" gasped out Uranus as she
fended off an acid-green frying pan (Domitric seemed to be running out of creative
ways to smash them into tiny bits and had reverted to using kitchen utensils, as a
large fork joined the fray). Kunzite was only half-heartedly throwing out energy at
that particular moment. He was directing the rest of his energy at probing the barrier
that entombed Minako. That's probably why he didn't see the glowing green hunting knife
that slammed into his shoulder, dropping him down on all fours. "One down" growled
Domitric as he focused his attention on the other three, who were too busy guarding
their loves to notice the similar blades headed their way. The Senshi turned angrily
towards a cackling Domitric, their attacks powering up as the remaining three dropped
to the ground. High above them, Minako screamed in a rage so powerful and so complete,
it caused everyone below to look up at her.

From his position on the floor next to Usagi, a snarl escaped Endymion's lips.
First his princess, now his brothers-in-arms. "C'mon Usako" he said, his hands
glowing as he continued healing her wounds, "It's time to make him pay." Usagi's eyes
fluttered open as she shook her head affirmatively and got shakily to her feet,
her fuku materializing on her body.

Minako began to glow a blinding gold and the barrier around her wavered. With a
final swish of her golden skirts, Eternal Sailor Venus snapped the bonds that
entrapped her as if they were no more than a wet paper bag. As she floated down
she cast a lingering look on Kunzite, who was now sitting up, yanking the energy
blade from his shoulder and trying very hard not to laugh as a prone Zoicite tried
to dislodge the energy blade from his now painful butt. Smiling she continued her
descent, but instead of touching down on the ground, she hovered in the air
and looked down upon the Senshi her eyes calm. The Eternal Inner Senshi
understood the unspoken command and gently flew up next to her. The newly powered-up
Outer Senshi, including Pluto, who had just arrived, looked to each other and then
they too took their place in a circle that surrounded Domitric, who stood, like a deer
frozen in headlights, in the middle of their circle, which was complete except for
one very obvious empty space at the head of the circle. Sailor Moon looked
beseechingly up to the circle of Senshi, a circle she could not join, without an
Eternal mode. Venus looked down upon her Princess, and understanding flowed into her.
At the same instant, all eight Senshi came to a decision. Domitric continued to watch,
morbidly fascinated. The girls began to glow in their respective aura colors. The
light began to grow unbearable. Domitric, Tuxedo Kamen, and the four somewhat groggy
Generals shielded their eyes. When the light reached a fever pitch, the colors shot out
and engulfed Sailor Moon, lifting her up in a rainbow of colors above the head of
Domitric, in the center of the floating circle. The lights continued to stream into her,
but nothing happened. Kunzite, finally grasping what the Senshi were up to, sent his own
aura up into Sailor Moon. Jadeite, Nephrite, and Zoicite followed suit. Tuxedo Kamen looked
up at his princess and morphed into Endymion, sending his own emerald-blue aura up to her.
The rainbow of auras swirled around and around and an amazing change happened within
the spectrum. Ribbons, hearts, and feathers began to swirl in a blaze of colors around
Sailor Moon. An explosion of colors and lights and the Senshi dropped from their places
high in the air, each powered down into Super Sailor form. But one lone figure remained
in the air, her beautiful wings fluttering, her blonde hair floating serenely around her
face, the Ginzshou glowing in her cupped hands. Eternal Sailor Moon floated peacefully
down to the floor, near the paralyzed Domitric. She smiled to her friends and then
turned to him, reproach and pity in her eyes. "You have destroyed so much, conquered so
many, but you cannot force love, and for trying, you will be punished" she said quietly.
The Ginzshou glowed brighter and flew from her hands sending out a beam of pure white
light which engulfed Domitric. He writhed and twisted in pain, and in an explosion of
silver sparkles, was gone, a lump of stone falling to the ground where he had stood moments
before, his soul sighing as it departed. "Usako" whispered Endymion, who had reverted
back to Mamoru. He reached his hand out to her as he fell into a dead faint of exhaustion.
Eternal Sailor Moon looked around and saw all her Senshi and the Generals in the same
condition. Giving a slight smile, she raised the Ginzshou and the entire group disappeared
in a wave of rainbow light.

Rehn groaned. His head was throbbing. As he tried to sit up, pushing the heavy door off
of him, he suddenly was hit with a huge pang of loss. Getting shakily to his feet he
called out "Vega?" Walking though a passageway to the 'throne room' he saw chunks of plaster
hanging off the walls and ceiling, and large scorch marks. Running down the
passage, all caution thrown to the wind, he suddenly fell face first over a large piece of
plaster. Only, it wasn't plaster, it was Vega. "Vega?" he asked. He looked down at his
unmoving sister. Blood was misted on her lips and two dozen roses were imbedded into
her chest, a gaping hole which was still gushing blood. "No..." he whispered angrily.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" he screamed as tears trickled down his face. He stood up and looked around.
Oh they were going to pay for this, all of them. He knew the master was dead, and now it
was time to do things his way. He walked down the pitch black hall recklessly kicking plaster
bits out of his way as he headed toward the throne room, bent on killing all those involved,
as he could feel them teleporting away. He ran headlong down the passage...and screamed as
he plummeted down a gaping crack, a remnant of Uranus' powered up Earth Shaking attack.
As the last member of the Dark Duo, perished, three damned souls cried out in agony...

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