
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
Eternally Yours
Chapter 9

Never say never

I don't own
Sailor moon or any of it's characters. Only the villians are mine. I
don't have any money so please don't sue. I'm just a poor senior who is
just about to graduate and it would really kill my euphoric mood if you
went and took away all my graduation money and presents. *shimmering chibi
eyes* So please don't!!!! =0)


Eternally Yours
By Ai-chan
Chapter 9- Never say never

Inside Haruka and Michiru's hillside estate, a confidential meeting was
going on between the Outers. Setsuna, who made sure to keep silent on
the whole issue, had offered nothing up when asked why the General's
were back. Hotaru, still coming to terms with being grown up was also
tentative to add much to the conversation. So basically, the group
meeting consisted of Haruka arguing against the General's and Michiru
arguing for them. "Michiru, we don't know them now and we didn't know
them then! They can't be trusted!" "No, you're wrong, that's all the
more reason to give them a chance!" "A chance to betray them again?
No thanks Michiru! Those girls have died once before at their hands,
I will not see them killed again by them!" Haruka felt the change in
the air. Looking up she noticed Hotaru looking just as confused as she.
Setsuna and Michiru were staring at her, all the color drained from their
faces. "What? What's wrong? Do I have something in my teeth?" asked
Haruka looking between the two. "What did you say?" Michiru rasped
out. Haruka looked at her growing even more confused. "All I said
was that if they killed them once they'll...do...it..." Haruka's face
lost all its color. "How did you know that?" asked Setsuna harshly.
"I didn't" whispered Haruka. Suddenly all four women jolted with
the incoming flashback, Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru seeing it for
the first time, Setsuna horribly reliving what she had been forced to
observe the last time. When the flashback ended, Hotaru was sobbing
in a ball on the couch, Michiru was shaking uncontrollably, Haruka
had gone even paler, and Setsuna was grimacing in pain that she had
tried so hard to bury in her vast memory. "Oh.My.God." said Michiru
as she took several rattling breathes. "Beryl" growled Haruka. Suddenly
a blast of black light erupted in the living room. When it subsided, Eternal
Sailor Pluto was shaking in rage. Hotaru had stopped sobbing, her eyes
as wide as saucers, Michiru was sputtering incoherently, and Haruka's
mouth was moving like a goldfish's. "I will not stand by for it again.
I will not let it happen. And neither will you" said Pluto turning to
the three amazed girls. They looked to each other and then back at her.
"But..but..but the timeline Pluto!" stuttered Michiru. "Screw the timeline!"
yelled Pluto passionately. "I'm sick and tired of having to sit here and
watch you and them die. And I won't stand by for it again. Now, Are you
going to sit there staring at me or are you going to do something about
it?" The girls looked at each other again. Then each narrowed her eyes
and concentrated on that awful gut-wrenching feeling the memory had brought
up. Clinging to the memory, the three allowed the deep rage they felt at not
being able to save their friends erupt within them. None of them made an
attempt to curb that rage. Instead they fuelled it, thinking of every
awful thing that had happened to them in their lifetimes. Each began
to glow with her respective color until they were engulfed in flashes
of royal blue, purple, and aquamarine. Eternals Sailors Uranus, Saturn,
and Neptune gazed determinedly back at Eternal Sailor Pluto. They did
not know their enemy. They did not know where their Princess was. They
did not know what was coming (with the exception of Pluto, of course).
But they knew one thing for certain. They would not stand by and
watch the Inner Senshi be killed off again. It was their time for
protecting and they were going to guard those girls with their lives.

"So he said to guy, 'that's not macaroni, it's my mother!'" Jade
finished the joke and looked expectantly at Rei. Walking behind
him on the street she just looked at him blankly. "I don't get it."
Jade face-vaulted and shook his head. "Never mind, I'll explain
it to you next...well what do we have here!?" He came to an abrupt
halt in front of the fountain where Ken and Minako sat deeply
engrossed in something that was very engrossing! "Minako!" yelled Rei, her
face turning into it's I-can't-believe-you're-making-out-with-this-guy
bitch mode. Minako looked up sheepishly. "Hi guys" she croaked out.
Jade looked at her and then looked at Ken who was turning the color
of Rei's fuku. Then he started to laugh. Loudly. "I don't see what's
so funny!" hissed Rei dangerously. "It's just (hehe) I've (hehe) never
ever (hehe haha) seen Ken (haha) BLUSH! (AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!)" said Jade
breaking off into frantic laughter. "It's not that funny" said Ken
sheepishly. "Oh yes it is, oh great blushing leader!" and Jade
dissolved into an even bigger fit of giggles. Rei sweatdropped and
then gave the rolling Jade a mighty kick. "Baka!" she shouted as he
abruptly stopped his tearful guffaws and started moaning in pain.
"Ooh I think you broke my ribs! Oooh!" moaned Jade as he staggered
to his feet. "C'mon moron, it's obvious we can't leave these two
alone. Let's all head back to the shrine so I can keep an eye on
you two" said Rei shooting Minako and Ken death glances before she
stalked off,literally dragging Jade with her.

They never really saw the attack coming. Ami was busily arguing
with Zach over various strategies in chess while she secretly
admired him and started to admit to herself that he really wasn't
all that bad, even a little cute. Okay a lot. Zach was too busy
drooling over her to notice anything else. And Nate and Makoto
were off in their own world anyways, holding hands and stealing
quick pecks on the lips as they loitered behind Zach and Ami.
But even the lovey dovey couples couldn't ignore the 13-foot water
tank monster that sauntered right across their path. Or, actually,
could only ignore it to a certain point. Ami and Zach
almost walked right into it and then craned their necks up at it,
their eyes getting bigger and bigger. Nate and Makoto were caught
in mid-smooch, their lips still locked, their wide eyes staring
at the tank. When the 11-foot electric pole monster walked on the
opposite side of them, hemming them in and cutting off an escape
route, they started to get worried. Turning around, all four let
out high pierced screams before running for cover. As they
transformed, Mercury grabbed her communicator yelling "Oh shit
oh shit oh shit oh SHIT!" the whole time. This was definitely

Mercury's face popped into view. "We've got trouble," she said
disappearing from view as a huge explosion resounded over the
screen. "We're at the park," said Mercury "and Nephrite is in a
bad way. We need some backup." "On our way!" said Rei,
transforming as she closed the connection.

"AHHHH!" screamed Jupiter as she went down, sizzling, next to
the completely fried Neph. She shook her head to clear it and
looked menacingly at the telephone pole/monster of doom. Mercury
and Zoicite were off on the opposite side trying to figure out how
to stop it, and Nephrite was out of commission indefinitely, so
that left her to fight this thing, as well as the weirdo water tank
that was prowling around them, flooding different buildings.
Jupiter looked over at Nephrite, a man she had shared so much
with, and enjoyed being with. His prone state really pissed her
off. She looked up to see the water tank/monster come rambling
towards her. She narrowed her glowing green eyes at it and up to
the chuckling Rehn, as bolts of lightening and a whirlwind of
leaves flew from her heart broach.

Usagi, hearing footsteps, sleepily rubbed her eyes and lifted
herself off of Mamoru's chest. Feeling her movement he quickly
woke with a start, prepared for...well he really didn't know
what he was prepared for, he just knew he was prepared. Keys
jangled and the iron door creaked open. Mamoru's arms
protectively embraced her, and in his best I'm-a-manly-man voice
he said "What do you want?" "Her" said Vega, sneering.
Usagi whimpered and Mamoru held her tighter. "Not a chance!"
he said definitively, standing up and pulling Usagi with him,
ready to protect. Vega just shook her head in a have-it-your-way-
fashion and stretched out her hand, which glowed a dingy brown.
Mamoru braced himself for the worst. Behind him, Usagi let out
a cry as she was hurled against the wall. "NO!" he yelled reaching
towards her. Vega threw her again, a little more maliciously.
"Don't mess with me when I'm angry cape-boy, or you'll be next."
Scowling, she picked up the battered Usagi, who had a nasty
bruise forming on the side of her face, and carried her out, locking
the door behind her. "USAGI!" yelled Mamoru, running to the door.
He desperately beat against the iron, but to no avail. Slumping down
in frustration, a few tears trickled down his cheeks. "I will not
stand for this," he said resolutely and tried to break the magical
bonds he was enclosed in. His muscles tensed from the energy he was
trying to use, and he focused his mind on the acid green barrier.
It didn't yield, didn't even waver. Instead it sent back a backlash
of energy that hit him like a steel fist in his stomach, taking his
breath away and breaking the mental bond. Standing back up, still
gasping, he gave it another go. This time he drew source from the
earth below him, below the dingy floor of the condemned warehouse.
The barrier flickered and the faint outline of his Tuxedo shimmered
around him before vanishing as his breath was once again knocked
out of him. "Now that's more like it" he growled and stood up again,
determination flashing in his eyes.

"Oh no oh no" said Mercury, rapidly hitting buttons on her
keyboard as the electric monster rumbled towards her. "Hey
you! Big and ugly! Over here!" yelled Zoicite, who was behind
Electro the happy barbecuer, bouncing a shard of blue ice off
of its arms/wires. The monster turned around and sent off another
bolt of electricity, taking down Zoicite before he had a chance
to dodge. "No." said Mercury, watching the monster lumber towards
him, eager to fry him a little more. "No!" she said, more definitively
as her eyes glowed a bright blue. Flurries of snow and wisps of fog
began to entwine around her. Above the scene of chaos, Rehn looked
at the two transforming girls and stopped his maniacal laughing.
"Uh-oh" he said ominously. With a burst of light that blinded all
those in a 100 foot radius, a cyclone of green lightening and a
whirlpool of snow, ice, and fog encased the two girls, hiding them
from view.

Nephrite, groggily lifting his smoking head, was looking at the
weirdest light show he had ever seen. A tornado of bright green
lights, leaves, and lightening was whirling five feet away from him,
and, across the park, he could make out a cone of blue and what looked
like Zoicite, staring at the cone. Suddenly, the green died away and
he was left staring at two white stiletto boots with green trim.
Looking up he saw they belonged to a bedazzled and befeathered
Eternal Sailor Jupiter. Neph smiled groggily up at her, said "Hi
honey" and passed out again. Jupiter looked down at him, smiling
slightly, and turned to face the monster.

As the blue snowstorm that encased Ami died away, Zoicite looked up
and into the eyes of a snow queen. Decked out in ice-blue, her blue
hair blowing around gently and her snow-white wings ruffling in the
breeze, her eyes alone held warmth, and surprisingly enough, it was
for him. Unable to communicate his puzzlement and joy he simply
gurgled. "Right, me too" said Eternal Sailor Mercury as she turned to
face the electric monster. Out of the corner of her eye she
saw Venus, Mars, Kunzite, and Jadeite stumble to a stop at the
curious scene.

"Now THAT is what I call cool" said Jadeite as they skidded to a halt
between the rays of green and blue. As the two Eternal Sailors emerged,
Mars and Venus yelled for joy and practically strangled Kunzite and
Jadeite in hugs. Rehn, who up until that point had been watching his
monsters about to be barbecued with growing unease, saw the happy group
and grinned maliciously, knowing exactly what he was going to do. He
floated down behind them, undetected, and soundlessly grabbed his prey,
without the group noticing.

Jupiter held her hands straight out at her sides, forming a giant T
with her body. Both hands glowed green and lightening jumped off
both of them. When the storm in her hands grew to a blinding level,
she sharply brought her hands together, palms facing the water
tank monster and yelled "Electric Deluge!" Lightening and green
rays of light raced towards the monster, who was still flooding
random buildings. It turned just in time to see its doom race towards
it at hurricane speed.

Mercury's hands began to glow blue and the breeze around her picked
up, flurries of snow swirling through. Electro, sensing trouble, stopped
his advancement. Mercury just shook her head as if to say "Too late
electric breath." Raising her arms above her, the glow growing ever
brighter, she brought both arms quickly down, index fingers pointed
directly at the monster and yelled "Icy Devastation!" Instantly, a
stream of ice and water shot towards the electric monster at a
bone-crushing force. It hit the monster at the same time Jupiter's
lightening storm hit the water monster. In a deafening electric
crackle, the two monsters writhed around while lightening and
electricity roared through them in a blinding fireworks show. With one
last boom and shriek of anguish, they were reduced to cinders. Jupiter
punched the air in triumph and boosted up Nephrite, who had just
regained consciousness and was getting shakily to his feet. Everyone
else jumped up in delight at seeing both girls in Eternal mode. A
cruel male laugh brought them back to Earth.

"Well done Sailor Senshi, I commend you on that marvelous little
light show. Well, I'd love to stay and play, but my master has a
few friends he needs to entertain, and this one here is our guest of
honor. Loads to do and all that. Ta-ta!" he said as he smiled evilly
at Venus, who dangled helplessly by her arm, high in the air. They
disappeared with an audible pop. One second. Two seconds. Everyone
turned to look at Kunzite, who was shaking in rage, disbelief written
all over his face. "NOOOOOOO!" he yelled and disappeared, the sky above
him rumbling in rage, the wind blowing like a hurricane of wrath.
"Shit" said Jade, looking up and grabbing Mars' wrist, teleporting after
him. Nephrite and Zoicite followed, with Jupiter and Mercury looking
angrily at the spot where, moments before, their leader had hung.
Someone was going to pay.

They arrived back at the shrine to find Kunzite pacing back and forth in
the fire room. Pacing so hard that the tiles were shaking. Just as he
opened his mouth to say something very wrathful, Eternal Sailors Uranus,
Saturn, and Neptune burst through the doors. Uranus waved off all attempts
to question them about their new forms and said "It's time to fight back."
And here she grinned at the others in Eternal mode. "We will not be stopped"
chimed in Saturn. "Pluto is going to join us after she checks the Time
Stream" said Michiru, pulling out her mirror and checking in it for the
mystical secrets it held. "Pluto's going to join us?" said Mars in
disbelief. Haruka nodded. Kunzite lifted his hand for silence. "Generals
assemble!" he bellowed. Jadeite, Nephrite, and Zoicite snapped to
attention around him. "We need to find them," he said, his voice full of
authority. "We'll focus on Endy's energy while the Senshi focus on Venus'
and the Princess' energy as well. Once we find out where they are, we'll
teleport and launch a full-scale attack. These bastards are going to pay."
*Hold on Minako,* he thought, *I'm coming.* Out loud he said "If this
so-called 'Master' touches a hair on her beautiful head, I'm going to
rip out his heart and stuff it through his ear." Kunzite's eyes
narrowed maliciously. Everyone blinked at him. "For lack of a better
violent scenario" he explained, shrugging.

Observing the screen, Domitric felt the arrival of Venus. He smiled to
himself when he was sure the prize was now safely his. "Bring it on
General," he said smirking, "You don't stand a chance. Rush right into
my lair and face *my* wrath." And Domitric began to laugh insanely with
malicious glee.

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