
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
Eternally Yours
Chapter 1

Catching up

I don't own sailor moon
(oh how I wish I did). I'm just a delusional little girl with too much time on her
hands and no desire to do her AP Bio. Please don't sue. It will be much more of a
hassle for you than it's worth because as much as you want my kitty, she'll still
cough up a hairball all over your Persian rugs. Besides, she's kinda used to me
now. Ouch Ethie that's my foot. Oh thanks also to my editor Ara-chan!*~

Eternally Yours
by Ai-chan
Chapter One- Catching up

Aino Minako was bored. It wasn't that Ami's physics review was boring. Actually it
was that Ami's physics review was boring. Exceedingly boring. Usagi had fallen
asleep some minutes ago and a steady trickle of drool was blurring her notes, or
rather her doodles, Chiba Usagi, outlined in little hearts, stars, and bunnies.
Makoto had her head on one of her hands and was busily staring out of Rei's bedroom
window. Rei herself had a glazed look in her eyes as she stared dully at Ami.
Ami was totally oblivious to her friends boredom as she happily outlined another
complex formula. Minako, on the other hand, was doing some serious thinking
of her own. "Hey guys what color am I?" she said, a little louder than she had
intended. Ami stopped, shocked, in mid-sentence. Makoto's elbow slipped off the
table,causing her to topple out of sight. Rei's eyes regained focus, and Usagi
jerked awake from her sleep with a trail of drool hanging precariously from her
chin. "What?" spluttered Ami indignantly. "Well," Minako said, making sure Rei's
Grampa was nowhere in sight. "Whenever we transform we all have a certain definite
color and I was just sort of thinking what real color am I?" "Orange" said Ami
immediately, still angry over being interrupted. "No, I'd say more of a yellowy-
red," said Usagi. "Umm Usagi-chan," said Makoto, "that is orange." "Oh, okay
then," said Usagi and promptly fell back asleep, one of her many, royal talents.
Everyone else sweatdropped. "Why do you care Mina-chan?" asked Rei, looking
disgustedly down at the snoring Usagi "Oh, no reason, just kind of wanted to
know and I wasn't really thinking of anything else," Minako said before quickly
adding "Um besides physics of course" after catching the look on Ami's face.
Ami, giving Minako a look of pure malice, began outlining her formulas again
and within moments all had fallen back into their usual stupor. *Why did I
just say that?* Mina thought. *I don't really care what color I am. Why does
it matter. Wonder where that train of thought came from? Hmm, but what color
am I? I mean orange isn't exactly the color of love or anything. Rei is red
and that goes with fire, Ami is blue and that goes with ice. Makoto is green and
that goes with trees and storms, and Usagi is white and that goes with the moon.
But orange and love and beauty just don't go.* Minako frowned fretfully
and chewed her bottom lip. *Oh just shut up and forget about it Mina you big ditz!
It doesn't matter!* Minako looked indignant at her inner voice but obeyed its
command and dropped the thought. She returned to her pleasant daydream of Motoki
and her mind slipped into a blissful state on nothingness. *Gold* whispered a vioce
inside her head, *Gold* "Huh?" said Minako jerking back to reality.Suddenly Rei turned
her head, looked at Usagi and gave her a bonk upside the head. "Stop snoring
odango-atama!" "OWWWWW! Reeeeeeiiiiii, that hurrrrrrrrrrrrt!" Usagi whined, rubbing
her head. "Well, if you hadn't been snoring like a lumberjack than maybe I could have
concentrated a little better!" "I was not snoring! I was taking careful detailed
notes on history," Usagi retorted. "Nice try meatball-head, except we're doing
French!" Rei yelled. Ami, too furious to even speak, had her mouth opening and
closing like a goldfish. A full-fledged tongue war ensued. Ami sighed furtively.
"Maybe we better finish this some other time," said Makoto, eager to get to the mall.
Minako, seeing an excuse to shop, said "Um yeah Ami-chan, after all we won't get
Usagi to pay attention anymore anyways." Ami sensing defeat and completely exasperated,
just nodded. *Poor Ami* thought Makoto. Packing up their books the girls headed out
of the shrine and made their way toward the mall. "What are Haruka and Michiru
up to Usagi-chan?" asked Makoto, sidestepping a group of children playing on the
sidewalk. "Oh," said Usagi happily, "they decided to take a little vacation with
chibi-Hotaru," using the name all the senshi had taken to calling baby Hotaru.
"It's so nice to have this sort of peace though," Usagi continued. "No pink-haired
shadows following me around that I have to worry about (for Chibi-Usa had gone
back to her own time. After the harrowing process of having her heart crystal
removed it was decided the little girl had better take a break from Senshi duties).
No weirdos looking to thwart love and justice. It's great!" *But how long will it
last,* they all thought.

Rei was quietly thinking to herself and lagged a bit behind the rest of the group.
*Something feels out of place,* she thought. *I have a major feeling of deja-vu. Ah
Rei you're just being paranoid,* and Rei shrugged the feeling off and caught up with
her friends. Had she looked behind her she might have seen the cold grey eyes that
watched her and her friends intently.

Arriving at the mall, the five girls all headed directly for a clothes store and
gigglingly tried on the most outlandish outfits they could find. Upon exiting they
heard a scream of terror, but it turned out to be a group of boys scaring a teen girl.
The five girls looked sheepishly at each other, each had summoned her wand when they
heard the scream, expecting an attack.They all burst out laughing and put the pens
back in their dimensional pockets.

It wasn't that they were on edge. On the contrary, the five girls had never been so
relaxed since finding out they were defenders of love and justice. No, the Senshi
were warriors at heart and their instincts in times of peace and times of war would
always be the same. Since the last fight with Mistress Nine the Inner senshi had
changed. Rei had become more pensive and tried not to be as hard on her princess
(although it was difficult, the girl was just hard to live with sometimes). Makoto
had gotten a lot more protective of Usagi and the rest of the Senshi. Ami had become
a bit more outgoing, to the great joy of everyone but Luna. Usagi had started acting
a bit more regal, but mostly she still retained her Usagi qualities, although she
hadn't slept in in over a month. The change had hit Minako the most. Minako had
started acting more like a leader. She had lost most of her scattermindedness
(much to the relief of Artemis) and started acting a little more intelligent and a lot
more mature than before. Luna and Artemis liked to speculate that the change in the
girls was a result of having their heart crystals taken. This was untrue except in
the case of Usagi. The other senshi were more subdued because they felt like something
was missing. In order to fill that gap in their lives, Rei started acting quieter,
Ami more outgoing, Makoto more protective, and Minako more mature. The girls
subconsciously felt that it was these aspects of their personailities that were
leaving the gap in their hearts. So they set about changing them. The Inners had
also been having odd recurring dreams, each with a small memory from the past that
they couldn't quite hold on to yet. Dim outlines and features of four different
people made them feel that they weren't missing a something, they were missing a
someone. Since then Makoto had been a one-woman dating whirlwind. Jumping from one guy
to the next at a rate that would have scared Madonna in the past. Ami had tried to
reconcile with Greg, but it hadn't worked out for either of them and they decided to
just stay friends. Rei had contemplated her relationship with Chad and decided that it
wasn't what she was missing. Chad left the shrine a few days later and Rei
hadn't heard of him since. And Minako-chan had kept a distance from every male
breathing except Mamoru. She had long ago sworn off guys and decided that the
gut-wrenching feeling she got from her dreams was not one of loss and longing,
but one of pain and she associated that with dating, and so abstained. Artemis
often joked the first few days after her maturity morph that she was the first
Loveless Goddess of love. Minako hadn't talked to him for 3 days after that.
Luna had given him a good swift smack upside the head. And Usagi,noticing the
slight changes in her friends, went about to be extra cheerful to make up for
their sometimes dismal attitudes. But still flashes of strong handsome
faces with eyes of brown, green, blue, and silver, haunted the dreams of each
girl. Unaware to any of them was the fact that a pair of green eyes belonging
to one Zachary Linder was staring at them open-mouthed at that very moment and
then glancing back down at the mystery paper before him with a picture of five
remarkably similar girls.

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