
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
Eternally Yours

Star Light, Future Bright

Finally! That's it, finito (is that a word?), done! For the general knowledge of the group:
Veni vini vici! I was always so amazed and admirative (once again, is that a word?) of
fanfic writers, but I never truly appreciated the time and effort that goes into a story.
And lemme tell you, there's definitely a lot of time and effort!!!! Anywho, this is it for
"Eternally Yours!" I hope you guys liked reading it as much as I liked writing it. Be on
the lookout for my next story as soon as I get settled back home in the good ol' U.S.A. I
can't wait. I'm looking forward to it! Happy readings guys!
Eternally Yours
By Ai-chan
Epilogue- Star Light, Future Bright

It had been a week since Eternal Sailor Moon had successfully kicked the crap out of
Domitric. No on had spoken of the incident yet. Instead, they had spent the time
together, recovering from the shock, and generally just taking it easy. But now,
Luna had decided it was time to face up to what had happened and deal with it accordingly.
Plus, explanations were in order. Which is why 14 young people and two cats were sitting
in a tiny room in Hikawa Shrine at seven a.m. on a Saturday morning. "Okay" said Jared,
taking the initiative, "What the hell happened between us and Sailor Moon?" "I think
I can answer that" said Setsuna. "When Queen Serenity sent us to the future, she created
a Senshi of the Moon, Usagi here. Like the other Senshi, she was given three modes of
power. But, unlike the Senshi who had their Sailor form, their Super Sailor mode, and
their Eternal mode, Princess Serenity had only Sailor and Super Sailor mode. Her next
level is that of Neo-Queen. The world is not yet ready for the Neo-Queen. For when Usagi
reaches that mode, it ushers in the new Silver Millennium. Eternal Sailor Moon was never
meant to be." "Wait a minute," said Rei fretfully from her position in Jade's arms, "Does
this affect the future?" All eyes turned back to Setsuna. She smiled. "The future is
altered, but not in any way that will do damage to your future selves." "So, uh," began
Zach slyly, "when will we need Neo-Queen Serenity? Huh?" Pluto smiled wryly and shook her
head. Ami elbowed him playfully in the stomach. Usagi spoke up from her corner of the
room, where she lay huddled securely within Mamoru's encircling arms. "Will they ever be
able to get their Eternal modes back?" she asked tentatively. "Well, I would assume they
would when you become the Neo-Queen" said Luna, looking to Artemis for assertion. He had,
unfortunately chose that moment to fall sound asleep by Minako's feet. Luna's kitty cheeks
turned a brilliant shade of red and she began to swell up like a bullfrog. "Uh-oh" muttered
Usagi, who was all too familiar with Luna's raging temper look. WHAPOW! Artemis caught a
a knuckle punch upside the head. He jumped up wildly looking for the offender. Luna was
staring openmouthed at Ken who was simply shrugging. "Someone's got to keep the fur ball
in line" he stated simply. "That was for that swipe you took at me a couple of days ago!"
he continued placidly. Everyone but Artemis burst out laughing. "I've got a bad feeling
about this" he grumbled, while rubbing his aching head.

Minako smiled as she cuddled up next to Ken. The meeting had adjourned awhile ago and
so the couples went their separate ways, Artemis still shooting looks of death at Ken,
and Luna still laughing at him. Although Domitric had disturbed her, Ken had helped Mina
get past the nightmares and paranoia she'd had ever since. Usagi was still trying to put
it behind her. She had been hurt, physically and emotionally, but they were all doing their
best to cheer her up. And, little by little it was working. Now, Mina was just happy to see
her friends so content, and to have found the man she loved. And, as an added bonus, she had
regained her memories. Most of the girls thought this was phenomenal, and begged her to tell
them everything. But, Minako had taken a leaf out of Pluto's book and was now perfecting
Pluto's trademark "mysterious I-know-more-than-you-do" smile. Speaking of Setsuna, after she
had told her about regaining her memories, Setsuna had looked at her with an expression of
utmost pity. "I regret the pain and suffering that has brought upon you" she had said,
shaking her head slightly. Minako, who had been thoroughly confused at the time, was
starting to get what Setsuna had been trying to tell her. For the past three night she
had awoken screaming, after watching Princess Serenity once again plunge Endymion's sword
through her heart, or watching Jadeite blast a hole through Mars' chest, or Zoicite slit
Ami's throat with an energy blade. Metallia's laughter would stay with her long after she
had awoken from the dream. However, she tried very hard not to let on, for the sake of her
friends. Every now and then, some object, or something someone said would trigger a flashback,
which would recover more of her memories, memories of a time before that final battle, happy
times. A young girl and her parents walked by. The girl had a brochure in her hands that
depicted a ruin. Minako leaned closer and looked at the brochure. In bold letters the words
ANCIENT ROME were imprinted on the top. Minako suddenly went rigid. Ken quickly sat up.
"Minako?" he asked, worried. "Rome, Rome" she whispered, her eyes blank and distant.
"Uhh, Minako?" he asked, his unease increasing. And Minako could only stare into space,
a name slipping from her lips as she fell, unconscious into Kevin's' arms. "Adonis..."
Well, this is an epilogue/prologue guys. It ends "Eternally Yours" and begins 'Twice in a
Lifetime." I might even start this before I leave. I have so many ideas for this story. I
hope you guys like!!! Anywho, I'll be in touch! If I don't get this out soon, then have
some really kick-ass summers!

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