
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Epilogue
Eternally Yours
Chapter 3

Mixed messages

Standard disclaimers: I don't own Sailor
Moon or any of its characters. If I did I would be wonderfully creative
and an exceptionally talented artist (which I'm not). Therefore don't
sue me because you will gain nothing but my kitten, which I'm pretty sure
you don't want, unless you are as sadistic as her and enjoy clawing the
living crap out of me. So...on to Chapter three! Hi ara-chan!!!! =0)

Eternally Yours
By Ai-chan
Chapter Three- Mixed messages

"Yoo-hoo! Tall dark and handsome! Over here," said a male voice in
falsetto. Ken whipped around and found himself staring into the blue
eyes of a blond-haired man of about 19. "What the-?" started Kenneth,
then suddenly, recognition. "JADEITE" he yelled. "Owwwwwwwwwww" said
Jared, "Geesh Kunz, yell it a little louder. I don't think they heard
you in DENMARK!" "How did you-?" started Kenneth, but Jared interrupted
him. "Oww...oh well Zoi and I saw you knock out the prince and figured we
couldn't let you get away with that so.... here I am." Suddenly Zach ran
up to the two. "The prince woke up," Zach explained before turning to Ken
and shaking his hand. "Zoi," said Kenneth. "Kunz," said Zach. "Jade, but
I think we've already met," said Jared. The two men looked at him. "Well
now all we need is Nephrite and this would be one big happy reunion,"
said Zach. "You called?" said a voice. The three men whipped around to
see Nathan standing behind them. They stared, gaped and then all spoke
with various expressions of surprise.
"Holy sh-"
"How did you-?"
"Eek?" said Zach, Ken, and Nate, turning to look at Jared. "Hey I was
surprised," retorted Jared, blushing. "To answer you're questions I
teleported. Yes we can do that and yes I know how and yes I have all
my powers," explained Nate automatically. "Oh" everyone said. "But-"
started Zach. "I deal with the stars Zoi. I know the past and the
mysterious ways of the stars and I figured out how to use them," said
Nate. "Oh" they said again. "But how-" started Jared. Nathan sighed.
"C'mon I'll show you." Nate turned and got into Ken's unlocked car's
passenger seat. "Coming?" he said looking at the other three. Jared and
Zach opened the doors to the back and climbed in, Jared grumbling over
the fact that Nate got shotgun. But Ken stood staring off into the
distance, at the speck that was Minako. Then just as suddenly, he
sprinted off towards her without looking back. "Hey!" yelled Nate,
Zach, and Jared. They looked at each other and climbed out of the
car preparing to sprint after him. Just as they started a few paces
they stopped suddenly and stared. Kenneth, who's only thought had
been to get to Minako, had yet again ran into something. Only this
time he had tripped over Artemis, who had been just as intent on
reaching the girls. So for the second time that day Kenneth ended up
with a splitting headache. To make matters worse, he and the white
blur had both fallen flat on their faces, kissing concrete as Ken had
tripped over Artemis. The cat seemed to be completely out of it and
passer-bys were giving Ken rude looks and muttering things about cruelty
to animals. Jade, Zach, and Nate, after getting over the initial
surprise of seeing their high commander sprawled face first on the
concrete with a dazed cat on his head, had all fallen down to the
ground laughing their heads off. Ken, shook his head and regained his
sight, realizing where he was. "Owww," he muttered then noticed the
extra weight on his head. He grabbed the snow-white offender by the
scruff of his neck and looked him straight in the (slightly dazed)
green eyes. This caused Jared, Zach, and Nate to redouble their
hysterics, seeing strong and serious Kunzite, leader of the four,
lying on his stomach in the middle of Juuban, looking eye to eye with
a cat. Artemis' pupils, which at that point were swimming in his head,
snapped suddenly to focus on Kenneth's face and then dilated in fear.
Artemis then took a mighty, unexpected swipe at Kunzite's face and
spat some well-chosen curses at him. Ken howled in pain as a stripe of
red appeared across his face, and dropped the cat. Artemis took off at
full-speed after the now gone Minako. Jared (still wheezing from
laughing) grabbed Kenneth's hand and heaved him to his feet. "C'mon
oh mighty leader, let's get out of here and attend to your mortal
wound (Nate and Zach burst out laughing again at this) before the
warrior maidens are alerted by Oh scratchy cat." Ken grumbled at all
three guys and climbed in the car, enduring laughs and jabs the whole
way to Nate's hillside mansion.

Artemis had been very busy up until the Kunzite episode. Once he had
caught sight of Jadeite and Zoisite he had ran full speed to the shrine
where the girls had been last. Finding them not there he had run back to
the mall to alert Setsuna who was also not there. He had then caught
sight of all 4 generals, Nephrite materializing into view. Scared out
of his wits by the sight of 4 (supposedly) dead mortal foes, he had
whipped around and caught sight of Minako just as Ken had. Both shot
off at the same time, not seeing the other and hence, Artemis had been
tripped over and flipped and landed on Ken's head. After taking a swing
at the leader of Beryl's dark force he had gotten up and resumed his
course towards Minako and the other girls. And once again, the poor cat
was delayed. As he ran full-force towards the rapidly growing speck of
blond, he didn't see Motoki, arms laden with shopping packages, walk out
of a store directly in his path. For the second time that day Artemis
brought down another unsuspecting man. "Oww," moaned Motoki. "Darn ca-.
Hey wait, I know you. You're Minako-chan's cat!" Artemis almost said
"Duh" but refrained and settled on a plaintive "meow" as he got
dizzily to his feet. "I better get you back to her. Hey Minako!" yelled
Motoki. Minako spun around curiously and then caught sight of Motoki
getting to his feet. "Motoki-san," she said delightedly. And then,
"Artemis!" All five girls jogged over to Motoki and started helping him
pick up his packages. Minako picked up the very disorientated Artemis
and cradled him in her arms. "What are you up to Motoki-san?" said
Makoto. "Well," said Motoki, "I was out doing a little grocery
shopping," he indicated the packages strewn about the sidewalk "and I
stepped out of the store and tripped over Artemis." Artemis shot Motoki a
dirty look and then mewed up at Minako urgently. Minako, taking the
hint, said "Umm, hey minna, we really should get back to the shrine.
Rei's grandpa must be worried." At this she looked meaningfully at all
the girls. Ami caught on first, then Rei and then Makoto. Usagi just
kept staring at Motoki. "What are you talking about Mina-chan? So
Motoki-san what have you been up to?" said Usagi flirtily. "Let's go
Usagi!" said Rei grabbing her by the ear and yanking her along. All the
girls waved goodbye to a puzzled Motoki and hurried back to the shrine,
Rei still holding on to Usagi. Ami had contacted Luna using her
communicator, telling her to meet them there.

The girls continued silently to the shrine, no one saying a word besides
an occasional "ow" from Usagi. "Let go Rei-chan! OW!" said Usagi
angrily, breaking free. "Hi Luna" said Makoto as the out of breath
cat ran towards them. "(gasp) Now what (gasp gasp) was so urgent
(gasp) Ami-chan (gasp)?" said Luna, panting. "Artemis has something
to tell us but he won't say until we are, and I quote, in absolute
privacy," said Minako looking down at the cat, who had jumped from her
arms and headed to the farthest corner of the shrine garden. He looked
around quickly, assuring no one was in listening range and motioned for
the girls to follow. "Artemis what-?" began Luna irritably. "I saw them"
said Artemis. "Who?" said Usagi, rubbing her ear and shooting Rei
dirty looks. Artemis looked up seriously at the girls and said
"The Generals, they're alive, I saw them at the mall." A freeze in
time and then, it was like a dam breaking, the effect was calamitous.
Usagi's knees gave out, Luna and Ami's mouths dropped, Makoto and Rei's
faces went red with rage, and Minako, whose face looked unchanged except
for the fact it was a little whiter, calmly drew out her transformation
pen and scanned the gardens. "No. No, no, no, NO! We killed them! No!"
said Usagi hysterically. "Artemis maybe it was just someone that looked
like them. It couldn't have been, I mean it just couldn't have been-"
started Ami. "Kunzite was running towards you guys when he tripped over
me. He picked me up. I was right in his face. I scratched him. It was him.
Do you want to take blood samples from my claws or something? Here, look!"
said Artemis definitively, upturning his right paw that indeed held a
small tint of red. "You scratched Kunzite?" said Luna, a look of
horror, amusement, and pride on her face. "Well, uh yeah. What else
was I supposed to do?!" said Artemis, blushing on his furry cheeks.
"Back to the point," he continued, "What are we going to do?" "What
can we do?" said Makoto, looking around nervously. "Isn't it obvious?"
said Minako quietly. Everyone turned and looked at her. She looked
every inch the leader that she was. Calm-eyed and stone faced she
looked at each of them in turn and stated simply "We kill them. Now."

Domitric was extremely pissed. Not only had he seen one, he had seen
all four of the damnable Generals. This did not fit with his plan.
This meant he would have to devise a new brilliant plan and scrap the
last one. He had worked very hard on that plan. It really made him angry.
To calm down his rapidly growing rage, Domitric tuned into his
favorite channel, the all Minako channel. He watched the episode
in the garden. He listened intently. Domitric's brain rapidly formed a
new plan. Domitric smiled indulgently. Had he not been so preoccupied
with his new plan and the prize he would win with it, he would have
seen Minako's involuntary shiver as she felt his presence. But
Minako assumed it was a general eavesdropping. And she was more than
ready to give them what they deserved. So Domitric smiled even broader
when he heard her final judgment. *My one love will kill off my major
annoyances and then I will have her. I love my life,* thought Domitric
happily. Vega, who at that point had been eavesdropping on her master
eavesdropping, shot daggers at the image of Minako before him. She was
not at all pleased with her masters affections towards the golden-haired
Senshi and did not shy from telling her brother so. But Rehn
wisely told her to keep her mouth shut or they would be out of favor with
him and hence, out of food. For you see, the Doom Duo and Domitric had a
special bargain. He gave them what they needed most, and they, in return,
gave him unquestioning loyalty. But Vega wanted more from her master,
much, much more. She was almost as consumed as her master was. Some
might say she was possessed. But Vega knew what she wanted. She wanted
power, and Domitric had ways of guaranteeing her that. But not if the
little wench was won over by him. But Vega had no more time to mull
this over as Domitric mentally summoned them. Both teleported in front
of him and bowed respectfully. "My liege?" said Rehn. "I've made a few
alterations to the plan loyal ones," said Domitric, chuckling. "I don't
want you to directly kill the Senshi. In fact, I don't want you to be
seen by them. I want you to create a monster and help me frame the
Generals as its maker." Rehn and Vega looked at each other with wide
eyes and then grinned slyly. "Your wish is our command sire," said Vega
looking up seductively. Both turned to exit when Domitric looked at Vega
and said "Oh, and Vega dear, after you're done making this beast, please
do come to my quarters and..uh..share." Vega nodded and turned, a
predatorial smile on her lips.

"Okay, hold up, do that one more time" said Jared for the third time that
hour. Nathan had been teaching the guys how to bring out their powers. Ken,
to no one's surprise, got it the first time, they just naturally surfaced.
Zach and Jared were having a few more difficulties. Nathan massaged his
temples in frustration. "Our powers will not surface until they feel they
are needed. Obviously, there are no immediate threats to anything you feel
is important, like yourself, so there is no need for them to come out. We
can either force them out by endangering you," Zach's eyes lit up at this
suggestion, "or we can wait," finished Nate, looking up at them. "Hey, I'm
all for pushing Jared off of somebody's roof," said Zach excitedly. "How
about that one over there?" "Oh what about that tall one?" added Ken eagerly.
"Ha ha HA! Very funny you guys. It's not like I-" started Jared before Ken
threw up his arm to stop him. "Do you feel that?" he said. "Wha-" started
Jade but then "Oh shi-" and before he could finish that thought they all
converged around the sight of the disturbance.

Sailor Pluto looked at the scene before her ruefully. Knowing full well she
could do nothing to interfere, she turned and teleported back to the Gates
of Time so as not to witness the scene to come.

"Rehnnnnnnn!" whined Vega, "how much longer do we have to wait here for
those dumb Generals. I'm bored." "Vega!" snapped Rehn, "you know full-well
what the Master said. We have to stay here until the-" he stopped abruptly
as he felt the telltale shift in space that signified a teleport. "Let it
go Vega" said Rehn calmly. Vega turned and opened a small birdcage hidden
under her cloak. In it was a tiny canary. She and Rehn joined hands and
focused their energy on the bird. The dark brown energy seethed into the
tiny bird, which began beating its wings rapidly to escape the cage.
Oblivious to what was going on around them, the people in the park
continued on with their daily activities. The bird suddenly stopped its
futile flapping and quivered in shock. Then, without warning, it rapidly
began to swell. It grew slowly at first, then more rapidly until it had
burst the cage. Vega and Rehn quickly dropped the link and stepped away.
The bird continued to grow and began to change from sunshine yellow to
deep, blood red. It's eyes elongated like that of a cat, and turned a
dull gray. Finally, the monster bird gave one last shake of its head and
stopped growing. It was now the size of a small airplane. This made it
very hard for the people in the park to ignore. Most of them, used to
weird life sucking monsters running about, ran for dear life out of the
park. Other more curious (stupid) people, ran for cover at a, what they
supposed was safe, viewing distance. That is, all the humans in the
vicinity ran away except for four men who appeared out of nowhere 50
feet from the bird.

"Aw crap" said Jade craning his neck to see the top of the bird, some
15 stories high. "Well this just got a whole lot more interesting Rehn"
purred Vega seductively. "Oh yes it did Vega" said Rehn, grinning
viciously. Nephrite, Jadeite, and Zoisite immediately swung around
to the right to face them. Kunzite had immediately faced them when
they teleported, and had drawn his weapon, a long, fencing style
sword. The four had changed mid-teleport to their General gear.
Now, weapons drawn they faced the new threat. "What do you want
scum?" said Zoisite tensely. Vega laughed. "I believe that's a
case of the pot calling the kettle black. Who are you to call us
scum, henchman to Beryl!" All 4 men stiffened in rage. "That
wasn't us!" said Nephrite in anger. "I believe you'll have a hard
time convincing them of that," said Rehn pointing behind them.
The four wheeled around and saw five girls in short skirts converging
towards the bird. "Toodles!" said Vega, laughing cruelly. Both then
vanished with an audible pop. "Stop right there Nega-scum! I'm
Sai-lor....." started Sailor Moon, trailing off audibly as she caught
site of the actual size of the bird. "Oh my," said Luna at her heels.
The Sailor Senshi had arrived. The bird,who had been aiming for the
bystanders, suddenly and unexpectedly tried to skewer Ami. "Watch
out!" screamed Usagi and Zoisite at the same time. The girls scattered
quickly and the bird missed. It returned to sending random jets of
acid green liquid at different targets in the park, occasionally
sideswiping a foolish onlooker or two who were promptly knocked
unconscious. "Are you all right?" yelled Zoisite anxiously.
The 5 girls' backs stiffened and they turned slowly around. A split
second of silence, then some ear-piercing shrieks, that caused
even the monster canary to wince in pain. "GENERALS! AHHH!" screamed
all four girls except Minako. "Told ya," said Artemis to Luna. She
was to distracted to bonk him upside the head. "ENOUGH!" said Sailor
Venus loudly. The girls instantly shut up, their faces were still
white. "We killed you once you slimy pieces of-" said Minako, shaking
with rage. Artemis blushed and Usagi said "V-chan" in total shock.
Ami gaped at her and Luna looked to Artemis and said "Did you teach
her that!?" "No Sailor Venus, you seem to be mistaking us for someone
else. We are not those Generals. We were-" started Kunzite. "Liars!"
screamed Sailor Mars, her face almost as red as her fuku. "You created
this monster to hurt these poor people and then you try to trick us!
How stupid do you think we are?" "No we-" started Jade, helplessly when
a burst of acid green went flying towards them. The bird had gotten
bored with the bystanders and decided it was time for the main event.
The Senshi screamed and dived out of the path of the hissing streams
of liquid and the Generals put their new powers to the test by
teleporting out of the way. "That's it," said Sailor Jupiter menacingly,
"No more hide and seek." She jumped out from behind the hedge she had
darted behind with Sailor Mars and yelled "Jupiter Supreme Thunder!"
The crackling ball of electricity headed straight for the bird, and hit
it head on. There was a huge explosion of electricity and everyone
shielded their eyes. When they looked up the only thing left of the bird
was a trail of smoke.

"Yes!" said Jupiter jumping into the air. "All right!" said Moon, coming
out from water in the fountain she had been hiding in. "So much for those
Generals' mon-AHHHHHH!" screamed Jupiter dodging a stream of green from
above. Sailor Moon dived back into the fountain with a splash as the bird
soared lazily above them shooting at them randomly. Sailor Moon, who had
surfaced for a breath turned and screamed as a bolt of green liquid headed
straight for her. Suddenly a flash of black and the scent of roses carried
her out of harm's way. "Tuxedo Kamen-sama!" yelled the girls happily.
"Damn" said Domitric, frowning from his throne room as he watched the birds
progress. Sailor Moon smiled up happily at him. "Where were you? Oh I was so
scared!," she bawled. "It's okay Sailor Moon, I'm here," he murmured back.
"Umm, hate to burst your love bubble" said Minako "but that thing is
circling back and we are currently plan less. The General's have held off
attacking, but as of now they really outnumber us." Everyone turned to
Ami, who had been dodging green and jumping over prone forms while rapidly
tapping on the keys of her super computer. "I need a bit of cover guys"
said Ami, not looking up from the calculations. "Gotcha" said Venus and
Mars at the same time. Standing up from behind the lion statue where they
were crouching, they let loose a "Fire Soul" and a "Love and Beauty Shock"
simultaneously. Both made a small impact on the bird, which stopped mid-spit
and faltered in the air, falling a couple of feet before regaining its
composure. It was not happy and started shooting out bright orange streams
of hissing sticky liquid that burned holes right through a hedge on the
perimeter, exposing the surprised face of Zoisite. "AH!" he said falling
backwards. "Found a General!" yelled Jupiter, jumping like a hurdler over
a park bench. Mercury's head peeked out from under the bench and yelled
"Got a plan!" "Yes!" said Sailor Moon popping up from behind a drinking
fountain and then diving out from behind it as a spurt of orange hurtled
toward it. "Energy attacks aren't too ineffective on it. It's
susceptible to physical attacks!" shouted Sailor Mercury. "We need to get it
on the ground. We can then all let loose an attack on it and Tuxedo Mask
can run it through with his sword." "My what!?!" yelled Tux. "Your Endymion
sword dummy!" yelled a thoroughly exasperated Artemis, while ducking behind
a hedge animal. "Thanks for the vote of confidence Artemis!" Tux yelled
back. "All right, let's go" yelled Venus. She stood up and summoned her
"Venus Love Me chain!" and attached it around the bird. Bright green energy
surged down the chain and into Venus, completely enveloping her in a painful
force field of acid green. She screamed in pain. "V-chan!" yelled Sailor Moon,
Tuxedo Mask holding her back. Zoi and Neph had to restrain Kunzite from
running to her while Jade just gaped at her rigid form. Inside the dome,
Venus gritted her teeth and stopped her screams, and yanked on the chain.
The bird squawked indignantly as it was pulled to the ground. The dome
turned a nasty shade of orange and Venus cried out again in pain but quickly
pulled it back in and yelled "Hit it with all we've got!" "Shine Aqua Illusion!"
"Supreme Thunder Dragon!" "Burning Mandela!" "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!"
screamed the four girls. Tuxedo Mask threw a flurry of roses at the screaming,
thrashing bird and morphed quickly into his Endymion form.

He drew his sword and thrust it with all his energy right into the heart of the
bird. Nothing happened. Endy got kind of nervous. He looked back to Ami who yelled
"In the forehead Tux. In the forehead! It doesn't have a heart." "Now she tells
me" grumbled a now very nervous Tux as the bird focused its attention on him and
strained against it's bonds of golden hearts tinged green by its negative
energy. Venus, inside the rapidly growing dome, dug her feet in the ground
and concentrated with all her might on the chain. Her tiara disappeared and
the sigil of Venus began to glow softly on her brow. Her hair raised up slowly
around her. Kunzite, carefully concealed with the other Generals behind a fountain,
had to restrain himself from rushing towards her. Jade silently prayed for her
as she held on against the beast. Each of the guys threw bolts of energy at the
beast whenever they could get around the girls, who were paying no attention to
them or their colorful light shows. Endymion drew out his sword from the monster's
chest and dived straight at its head, spearing it right between the eyes. The
release of dark energy knocked him into Makoto and they fell on the ground. The
energy continued up Venus' chain and the dome went bright red while she went
rigid from pain and sensory overload. Then the bird blew up into thousands of
pieces and a badly battered Venus was thrown into a nearby tree with a sickening
snap. Everyone froze. All eyes focused on her prone form, hair lying around her,
tattered fuku, closed eyes, and a rapidly growing pool of blood around her.

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